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Beds | 2 beds |
Price | €2,184 / week |
Property Type | |
Size | meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER- |
Refreshed on | |
Eircode | |
Group Name | Five Star |
Sales License Number |
(Reference number: 68440) Wicklow Head Lighthouse has safeguarded the scenic Wicklow coastline since 1781. It is a peace seeker's haven with inspiring and refreshing views of the Irish Sea. The landscape and scenery surrounding the lighthouse provide a perfect backdrop for a unique and memorable break. Just 1 hour from Dublin City. Wicklow Town (5 kms) Shop (5 kms) Restaurant (5 kms) Beach (5 kms) Nearby: Wicklow Town (5 kms) Shop (5 kms) Restaurant (5 kms) Beach (5 kms) Please Note: This property is surrounded by sea on three sides. Also, the kitchen is at the top of the property, and there is 109 steps to it.
Date created: Feb 19, 2019