BER Details
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Beds | 4 beds |
Price | €300,000 |
Property Type | Semi-Detached House |
Size | 130 meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER-C3 |
Refreshed on | Mar 27, 2025 |
Eircode | C15Y6P4 |
Group Name | Martin Shortt Auctioneers |
Sales License Number | 004711 |
4/5 Bedroom Semi Detached House on Large Corner Site with Mature Trees & Shrubs. Located at end of cul de sac. Close to local amenities. Front Hallway: 12'8" x 6'11" c/w Coving, centrepiece, carpet flooring Kitchen/Dining: 11'3" x 10'8" c/w Solid timber kitchen units, T & G ceiling, storage press Dining Room/ Living Room: 11'4" x 11'0" c/w Double doors to back garden, coving, centrepiece, carpet flooring Sitting Room: 14'10" x 14'2" c/w Solid fuel stove, coving, centrepiece, carpet flooring Back Hall: 6'4" x 4'11" c/w Coving, lino flooring Toilet: 6'0" x 3'0" c/w Lino flooring Bedroom/Playroom/Office: 14'5" x 7'10" c/w Coving, wooden flooring Master Bedroom: 12'11" x 11'10" c/w Coving, solid timber flooring Bedroom 2: 11'9" x 9'0" c/w Built in wardrobes Bedroom 3: 11'10" x 8'10" c/w Solid timber flooring Bedroom 4: 7'10" x 7'4" c/w Carpet flooring Bathroom: 7'5" x 4'7" c/w Part tiled walls, Triton T80 electric shower over bath Landing: 12'9" x 5'10" c/w Carpet flooring, hot press, Stira attic stairs
Off street parking 10 minute walk to Navan town centre Close to local amenities including Blackcastle shopping centre
BER Details
Date created: Mar 27, 2025