BER Details
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Beds | 2 beds |
Price | Sale Agreed |
Property Type | Terraced House |
Size | meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER-E2 |
Refreshed on | |
Eircode | D12Y8CK |
Group Name | Leonard Wilson Keenan |
Sales License Number | 003566 |
A wonderful home in an idyllic setting…. 38 Slane Road is a beautiful 2 bedroom + converted study area / 1 bathroom family home. This beautiful family home spared absolutely no expense during the renovations, with the highest quality of design placed throughout the home along with the outdoor space and the additional area at the back of the property. The master bedroom also contains a hidden study room which is ideal for anybody who wishes to switch off from work. The location has always been very desirable. Convenience to the city Centre and M50, close proximity to local shopping centres and an excellent choice of schools. Early viewing comes highly recommended. There is a private driveway with an abundance of parking and landscaped gardens to the front whilst to the rear is a captivating landscaped garden. The property falls into an excellent catchment of both primary and secondary schools. THIS PROPERTY IS AWAITING IT'S NEW OWNER... ***All information provided is to the best of our knowledge. The utmost of care and attention has been placed on providing factual and correct information. In certain cases some information may have been provided by the vendor to ourselves. We do not hold any responsibility for mistakes, errors or inaccuracies in our online advertising and give each and every viewer the right to get a professional opinion on any concern they may have***.
BER Details
Date created: Dec 20, 2021