- Priced to sell.
- Sold as seen.
- Investment opportunity.
- Double glazed PVC windows.
- Built in 1994.
- Approximately .15ha / .37ac site.
- Extends to 140.3sq m / 1510sq ft approximately.
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Beds | 4 beds |
Price | Sold |
Property Type | Detached House |
Size | 140 meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER- |
Refreshed on | |
Eircode | F45 T258 |
Group Name | Sherry FitzGerald Todd |
Sales License Number | 004532 |
This four-bedroom bungalow with attached garage is in need of extensive refurbishment. The property is situated on a .15ha / .37ac site. The property folio number is GY75448F. The house which was built in the 1994 and it extends to approximately 140.3sq m / 1510sq ft. It has double glazed PVC windows, oil fired central heating and a septic tank on site. The property is located in a rural location almost midway between the villages of Ballymoe and Williamstown. It is approximately 5km from these villages. The nearest larger towns would be Castlerea 14km, Ballyhaunis 24km, Roscommon 26km and Tuam 34km. This property is priced to sell and comes to market as seen.
Date created: May 12, 2021