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Beds | 4 beds |
Price | Sold |
Property Type | Semi-Detached House |
Size | meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER-G |
Refreshed on | |
Eircode | T12P2H6 |
Group Name | Marshs Auctioneers Valuers & Estate Agents |
Sales License Number | 002437 |
This is a mature two storey residence with garden at front and a very large garden at rear, together with garage at side, situated in this much sought after established residential location. The property is located between College Road and Magazine Road, close to the Bons Secours Hospital, University College Cork, Cork University Hospital, Wilton Shopping Centre and within close proximity to the City Centre on the Western side of Cork City. The property whilst in need of modernisation would be ideally suitable as a large family home, located close to all amenities.
Porch Entry: With aluminium door, tiled floor. Hall: With storage cupboard under stairs. Sittingroom: 19’ 0” x 14’ 0” (5.79m x 4.26m) With bay window, fireplace with mahogany surround, Gas fire and Vanity Mirror. (open plan) Diningroom: 15’ 3” x 11’ 3” (4.64m x 3.42m) With oak surround Fireplace Connecting doors to:- Conservatory: 11’ 3” x 6’ 0” (4.64m x 1.82m) Main Kitchen: 16’ 6” x 8’ 9” (5.02m x 2.66m) With sink unit, wall presses, pantry off. Rear Kitchen: 16’ 6” x 9’ 0” (max) (5.02m x 2.74m) With built in wall and floor presses, plumbed for washing machine, gas fired boiler. Downstairs Toilet with garden store at rear. First Floor: Staircase leading to spacious Landing with hotpress and storage cupboard. Bedroom 1. 16’ 6” x 12’ 0” (max) (5.02m x 3.65m) With bay window, Cast iron Mantelpiece, built in wardrobe and press. Bedroom 2. 11’ 3” x 10’ 6” (max) (3.42m x 3.20m) With wall shelving and desk. Bedroom 3 11’ 3” x 9’ 9” (3.42m x 2.97m) With cast iron fireplace, built in wardrobe and wall shelving. Bedroom 4. 8’ 6” x 8’ 0” (2.59m x 2.43m) With built in wardrobe,. Bathroom (L shaped) 8’ 9” x 7’ 0” (max) (2.66m x 2.13m) With cast iron panelled bath, electric shower, toilet and wash basin, partly tiled walls. Outside; Garageat side: 16’ 3” 8’ 9” (4.95m x 2.66m) Paved patio garden and tarmac driveway to the front with adequate car parking spaces. Large rear garden of C. 450 sq. metres is subdivided into three sections, with mature fruit trees, shrubs, hedges and pathways. Garden Gazebo Total Floor Area: C. 1,720 sq.ft. (159.79 sq. metres) Heating: Mains Gas Central heating. Windows: Aluminium PVC Windows with teak windows in Conservatory and rear Kitchen. Inspection: Strictly by arrangement with the Auctioneers.
Superbly located close to Bons Secours Hospital, University College Cork, Cork University Hospital and Wilton Shopping Centre. Very large mature garden at rear of C. 450 sq. metres. Prime residential location.
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Eircode; T12P2H6
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Strictly by arrangement with the Auctioneers.
Date created: Sep 14, 2021