BER Details
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Beds | 3 beds |
Price | POA |
Property Type | Semi-Detached House |
Size | meters2 |
Energy Rating | BER-A2 |
Refreshed on | |
Eircode | |
Group Name | Sherry FitzGerald John Rohan |
Sales License Number | 001001 |
Quality New Three Bedroom Semi-Detached A-Rated Homes, Ready for occupation! The Land Development Agency in partnership with Waterford City County Council & Whitebox Developments are delighted to present this attractive collection of new homes in Elder Walk, Summerfields, for sale under the Affordable Purchase Scheme. Through the Affordable Purchase Scheme, Waterford City and County Council takes a percentage equity stake (share of the ownership) in the home to bridge the gap between the open market value of the property and the paid by the purchaser. The scheme is aimed at first-time buyers, but there are some exceptions to this. More information about this affordable purchase scheme can be found at Applications will be accepted via an online application portal run and managed by Waterford City and County Council which is live. Set in Waterford's newest planned 'urban village' and within walking distance to the city's main educational and employment centres and complete with views of the surrounding countryside. The homes feature generous specifications and finishes to include contemporary kitchens, attractive bathrooms and private rear gardens. To arrange a viewing of the show home, contact Sherry FitzGerald Rohan on 051 843 880
BER Details
BER: A2 BER No: 0 Energy Performance Indicator: 000000000
John Rohan
Date created: Feb 27, 2024